our vision

Hebrews 10:24-25

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.


Living in the power of the Holy Spirit


Acceptance, grace, and security


We unconditionally value every person


Encouraging one another and investing in the mission

our mission

Crossing Boundaries to Connect People to the Life-Giving God and to Experience Transformational Community.

our beliefs:

the Bible

We believe the Bible is God’s Word to us. We believe that it is accurate and true. We believe it is timeless and applies to every generation. It is our guide to what we believe and how we live. We believe that God worked through the Bible’s writers to communicate with us what He has been doing in history and where everything is heading. Its uniqueness is seen in the accuracy of its many fulfilled prophecies and in its profound impact in changing people’s lives. 


We believe that God has always existed in relationship within His own nature. He has existed eternally as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe each one is equally God and yet distinct from each other in the roles they play. This triune God is not something we can fully explain or even grasp with out finite minds.

THE father

We believe in God our Father as the initiator of creation and the amazing plan to save mankind. He exists as a personal spirit and is perfect in love, wisdom, power, justice, and Holiness. He is all-knowing, all present, and all powerful.

jesus christ

We believe in Jesus Christ as God the son. We believe he became a man and was conceived through the Holy Spirit. We believe in the virgin Birth, his sinless life, the validity of his miracles on earth, his death as payment for our sins, his bodily resurrection and ascension and his future personal and visible return to earth.

holy spirit

HOLY SPIRIT - We believe in the Holy Spirit as God. We believe he was sent by God to convict the world of sin, to bring about a new birth in those who receive Christ and to change and transform those in whom He lives. He does this by strengthening and guiding believers in knowing and doing God’s will. We believe that every believer in Christ is indwelt by the Holy Spirit and empowered by Him.


We believe that all people are sinful by nature and by choice and therefore under God’s judgment. We believe that those who acknowledge this and demonstrate a desire to turn from their sin to faith and trust in Jesus Christ are saved and are no longer under God’s judgment but are transformed by the gift of God’s Spirit in them.

THE church

We believe the church is the Body of Christ over whom Jesus Christ is the Head. We believe the church is made up of all those who believe in and receive Jesus Christ. We believe that the church is called to both build one another up in love and share the Gospel in word and deed to the ends of the earth. We believe that the church is the focal point of God’s work in the world today. We strive for unity with other churches by cooperation with other denominations and fellowships


We believe that how we live our lives is very important. We believe that our conduct does not contribute to our salvation but it is the natural outworking of our salvation. We believe a genuine faith in Christ will result in a new desire and power to live out our lives differently. We believe that our goal in conduct is to be made into the likeness of Christ in terms of his desire to bring honor to God and to selflessly love others.

end times

We believe in the approaching visible return of Jesus Christ to earth and His ultimate reign with his people from all ages in a new heaven and earth. We believe in the resurrection of the Body and a final judgment of all people before God. We believe in eternal life with God for those who have believed and eternal judgment and separation from God for those who have rejected God’s Son. We are called as his people to live in great hope with great zeal as we look forward to the day of His coming.


ORDINANCES - We believe in two regular practices that Christ desires to be practiced in the Church. They are Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We believe in observing them until Christ returns.

1- baptism

The immersion of a believer in water as a public confession and declaration of his faith in and union with Christ. It demonstrates the truths of our death to sin and old way of life as well as the washing of our sins through Christ’s work on the cross. It is administered only to those have given evidence of a personal faith in Christ.

2- communion

The communion time is a time to remember the suffering and death of Christ for us. It is as reminder that His work on the cross is the complete basis for our being made right with God. Communion is open to anyone who trusts in Christ’s work on their behalf regardless of their denomination.


We are affiliated with Converge. Converge is a movement of churches working to help people meet, know and follow Jesus. We do this by starting and strengthening churches together worldwide. For 170 years we’ve helped churches bring life change to communities in the U.S. and around the world through church planting and multiplication, leadership training and coaching and global missions.



(715) 355-1617 • bethanyschofield.org

Office Hours: Mon: 9-12, Tu-Fri: 9 AM-4 PM

Pastor Joe is off on Mondays, Please respect his time off and call the office instead. Thank you!

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We are affiliated with Converge.org

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