We identify and fulfill needs of our missionaries through prayer, financial support, and personal involvement.
Harrison, Gary and Marie MOSINEE, WI
Hill, Paul and Ana ARGENTINA - Retired
Swenson, Kim and Vicki LAC DU FLAMBEAU, WI
maverick martin
Compass Ministries
This six-chapter, video driven study will improve your life and your finances by giving you an overview of how to handle money God’s way. As you begin applying these principles, you’ll experience financial health and freedom, putting you on the right track for your financial discipleship journey.
Topics Include: God’s Part & Our Part, Counsel, Debt, Savings, Generosity, Investing, Work, Honesty, Handling Crisis, Eternity and Finishing Well. To join an upcoming session...
Director of Technology
At Compass, we believe in alignment to His will with 100% of our finances. We are given a new heart to love and serve Jesus as His disciples. And if He is our heart, He is our treasure. In relationship with Him, we find joy, direction, and purpose, represented by the linking of the two elements. Contact Maverick about how to handle money God's way!
If you would like to take a class or talk about how to handle money God's way... please let Maverick know:
the hagar house
A Christ-centered Home for Single Moms
We exist to free single Moms from cycles of crisis through a Christ-centered community. We also provide emotional well-being, physical safety, financial accountability, and life skills to our moms.
Hope life center
Free confidential services
HOPE is a non-profit organization that serves Northcentral Wisconsin by providing free services to people in our community. We offer Pregnancy Testing, Limited Ultrasound, STD Testing and Treatment for Women, Abortion Recovery Support, Pregnancy and Early Parenting Educations and Sexual Health Information in our Wausau Center.
reanna baumgarten
Camp Forest Springs
Adventure Ministries Coordinator
Forest Springs' mission is to provide programs and facilities in a camping environment with a trained service-oriented staff who use the Word of God to help initiate faith and cultivate maturity in Jesus Christ.
gary & marie harrison
Pinnacle Ministries
Gary: President, Marie: Board of Business Operations
“Healthy Pastors, Healthy Leaders, Leading Healthy and Effective Churches” and desire to see a movement of community-focused churches that obediently reproduce disciples, leaders and congregations. That has moved us from being a small agency in central WI to one that has touched and trained pastors around the world.
kim and vicki swenson
Converge in Lac du Flambeau
We are working with Native Ministries in Wisconsin. We are seeking to network and connect ministries at work across the 11 reservations in WI. We are working to raise up Native leaders who will lead ministries to native people. We are also working near our home on the Lac du Flambeau reservation to see a Native lead church established, a long term faith based drug addiction treatment facility, and a local coffee shop and ministry center in the heart of the reservation. We can't change the past
but we can change the future.
jane fischer
Converge Japan
What began as a seven-week summer short-term experience in Japan in 1991, has become many years of teaching 8th grade international students at Christian Academy in Japan (CAJ). My main responsibility is to teach Bible, English and social studies. I guide students in service projects, both at school and within the community. However, teenagers are often filled with uncertainty and questions, especially spiritual questions. Interwoven with teaching are daily opportunities/ privileges to encourage my students to become Christians and to disciple those who are.
DR. Pat
Living Stones International
We aid Christians who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ; this includes encouragement, Bible distribution, humanitarian aid, and support of pastors, students, and those who have been persecuted and imprisoned. Another form of aid involves disseminating information about Christian persecution in the United States for education and prayer. We firmly believe that we, as the body of Christ, need to be praying for those who are persecuted (Hebrews 13:3) and we can’t pray effectively unless we know whom to pray for.
rich & rachel hendrickson
Mesa Global / TeenStreet
At Mesa Global, we best fulfill our calling when we serve with the global church to equip local believers for ministry. As we help plant churches and do evangelism, assist ministries of mercy and justice, and contribute to theological education and training, we seek the holistic formation of current and emerging leaders.
TeenStreet is an international community of young Jesus followers. We partner with churches around the world to motivate, equip and walk alongside (Christian) teens to have a real relationship with Jesus and reflect Him daily in their world.
janel swenson
Wycliffe, Africa
Language Surveyor
All Scripture for All People-Imagine a day when all the nations worship. The Bible is more than just words on a page; it’s the living Word of God that has the power to capture hearts and transform lives forever. You can be a part of seeing the Bible — the greatest story ever told — go out in all languages so that all people can worship God.
odek & analisa valbuena
Subic Bay Children's Home, Philippines
A faith ministry to destitute, unwanted, unloved, troubled, abused and orphaned boys and girls. Our mission is to raise these boys and girls in a God-centered environment— to lead them to a personal faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and train them in discipleship. We work with local churches and individuals to provide them with Christian guidance, love and understanding.
pastor ronnie querubin
Open Door Baptist Church, Philippines
Pastor Ronnie and his family minister to the people in Bataan, Philippines. It is known as the Death March, but they are there to advocate for the Life March; to spread the Good News of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
zhenya & Lena Yazvinskiy
Zhenya was serving with campus ministries in Dnipro, Ukraine and then fought in the war for 2 years. He is with his family recovering in Hungary and looking to see where God would have him serve next.
ukraine campus minsitry
The Campus Ukraine Leadership Team guides, equips and cares for our staff and more than 200 student volunteers all across the country. There has been great openness to the Gospel in Ukraine, especially after the war that came to our land in 2022. We want to allow every student to hear the Gospel, build them up spiritually through discipleship, and send them to be lifetime laborers for Christ. In moments of terror, pain, loss, and hopelessness we can bring the message of hope to the Ukrainian people.
first baptist church
Sumy, Ukraine
Our sister church is still standing and serving the community in this war zone. they
the gospel TLC
We are a Christ-centered long term (12-18 month) residential program that transforms lives. There is no cost to individuals who cannot afford it. The program will be focused on the “4 Core” values: Discipleship, Addiction Recovery, Employment and Life Skills.
Residents of the program will be living with staff members on the property 24/7. The goal of the program is to take individuals who are struggling with addiction and help them to have victory through Jesus Christ over their addiction so they can be reintegrated into the community and find success in all aspects of their life.
View their LIST OF NEEDS.
The Good Shepherd Shelter
The Good Shepherd Shelter is an action step of the Wausau Housing and Homelessness Coalition, an initiative of United Way that exists to collaboratively raise community awareness to end homelessness by maximizing and strengthening existing resources, developing new, relevant solutions and creating a seamless delivery of services to end homelessness in Marathon County.
the orphan grain train
In loving response to Christ, the Servant, the Orphan Grain Train movement encourages and enables God's people to share personal and material resources in bringing Christ's name and character to needy people both far and near. Sometimes that character expresses itself as a word well spoken, sometimes as a bandage well applied, and sometimes as a child well fed.
In our Fellowship Hall is a box for donations- view or print out the LIST OF NEEDS.
(715) 355-1617 • bethanyschofield.org
Office Hours: Mon: 9-12, Tu-Fri: 9 AM-4 PM
Pastor Joe is off on Mondays, Please respect his time off and call the office instead. Thank you!
Please contact us using the form below
Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
We are affiliated with Converge.org
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